י119) נץ קצר-אצבעות | ||||||||||
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:נץ קצר-אצבעות . גדול במקצת מהנץ המצוי, לחייו אפורות, גבו אפור בהיר וקצות כנפיו שחורות , הנקבה אפורה יותר מנקבת הנץ המצוי. לשני הזוויגים תחתית כנף בהירה . הבולטת לעומת קצות הכנפים השחורים . העינים חומות אדומות, ביטנם של המתבגרים לבנה יותר . נוהג לעוף נמוך מעל פני הקרקע ולאורך שולי היערות והחורשות . בית גידולו יערות ועמקים מיוערים . בארץ עובר אורח מצוי בלהקות גדולות ... המבינתם יאבר נץ ... איוב לט' 26 | ||||||||||
Subspecies and Distribution.
Accipiter brevipes S E Europe, Ukraine and Russia to Kazakastan, Turkey, Caucasus and Iran. Winter in E sub Saharan Africa םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם | ||||||||||
Descriptive notes.
33-39 cm, 200-350 g wingspan 60-80 cm. Dull blue-grey above, breast and belly pale, lightly barred pinkish or reddish, dark red iris. In flight, contrast from below between almost white underwing and black wing tip. Female somewhat larger, with browner upperparts, more heavily barred on underparts and underwing, dark streak on throat, lacks white supercilium of female A. nisus. Juvenile dark brown above, densely streaked on underparts, with pale spot on hindneck, dark streak on throat, as in female, but more distinct. Habitat. Wooded plains in river basins, also foothills and mountain slopes. Food and Feeding. Especially lizards and insects, (grasshoppers, locusts) also variety of small birds, some mice and voles. Normally fleis 5-10 m above ground, often hunting in clearings and on edges of woods, sometimes on outskirts of human settlements. Sometimes hunts crepuscularly, and will even take bats. Normally solitary, but pairs may hunt together, during migration may hunt in flocks. Breeding May-Jun. Nest built in tree, usually in deciduos trees and commonly in alders in some regions, placed on branch near trunk. Nest is small platform of sticks lined with twigs and sometimes leaves. 3-5 eggs, incubation 30-35 days. Male brings food and female feeds chicks. Chicks have white down. Sexual maturity 1 year old. Movements. Migratory, most birds leave breeding areas in Sep and return in Apr-May, believed to winter in sub Saharan Africa. Migrants concentrate around Bosporus, E Black Sea and especially Israel, where there are peaks during very short periods in second half of Apr and of Sep, and large groups can form, crossing point between Asia and Africa probably at Gulf of Suez. Not globally threatened. Size and trends of populations insufficiently known. Status and Conservation. Not globally threatened. Size and trends of populations insufficiently known. Israel. In Israel the subspecies Accipiter brevipes. Abundant passage migrant over all Israel. |
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