י125) עיט חורש

Lesser Spotted Eagle
Lesser Spotted Eagle
Lesser Spotted Eagle

Aquila pomarina
Aquila pomarina
Aquila pomarina

:עיט חורש
. גודלו כגודל תרנגולת, צבעו חום. הקודקוד, הכנפים והגחון בהירים יותר
. למתבגר כתם צהבהב ניכר על עורפו
. בדאיתו כנפיו נטויות קדימה וקצות כנפיו קמורות
. בית גידולו בקצות חורשות, שדות ואחו
. באזורים פחות רטובים מעיט הצפרדעים
. בארץ עובר אורח וחורף די שכיח, בעבר דגר
... נתיב לא ידעו עיט ... איוב כח' 7
Subspecies and Distribution.
A. p. pomarina C E and SE Europe through Turkey and Caucasus to Caspian lowlands. Winters in S Africa.
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Descriptive notes.
55-65 cm,1100-2000 g wingspan 145-170 cm.
Perched bird appears rater uniform chocolate brown. In flight, most adults have upperwing coverts paler than rather dark flight-feathers, but much individual variation, less conspicuous contrast between pale underwing coverts and flight-feathers, these characteristics usually allow distinction from adult A. clanga differs from A. nipalensis in flight, by lack of barring on primaries and tail.
Juvenile brown like adult, but generally darker, with yellow nape patch, spots on upperwing coverts smaller and narrower than in immature A. clanga.Race hastata has slightly longer wings and tarsi and browner iris, juvenile lacks spotting.
Mainly found near forest edges, preferring moist woods near meadows and fields.
Highest breeding densities in lowlands, but also breeds in dry mountain forests in Antolia, Balcans, Carpathians and Caucasus.
Food and Feeding.
Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects. In C Europe especially voles, also some extent small birds. In humid lowland areas, amphibians. Carrion taken only rather rarely.
On wintering grounds, diet apparently consists largely of Red-billed Quelea, nestlings and swarming termite elates also small mammals and frogs.
Mainly hunts in open areas like A. clanga, using three different techniques soaring 100 m high and diving down, still-hunting from perch or walking on ground.
Apr-May in C Europe. Occupied nests well spaced out, but in suitable habitat may be under 1 km apart.
Almost always on trees, extremely rarely on the ground. Normally only few hundred metres from edge of forest. Large stick nest, 120 cm in diameter, lined with green twigs or sometimes grass. Eyries often reused over several years.
2 eggs, incubation 36-41 days.
Chicks have greyish white down. Second chick normally dies as result of cainism.
Sexual maturity at 3-4 years.
Migratory, highly dependent on soaring and thus thermals. C Europa birds leave around Sep, migrate over Bosporus, Israel and Suez. Few birds cross sea from Italy and S Greece to N Africa.
Race hastata apparently not migratory.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened.
Israel. In Israel the subspecies A. p. pomarina. Abundant passage migrant, very rare winter visitor.

A. p. pomarina
(in Israel)

A. p. pomarina

A. p. pomarina

A. p. hastata