י127) עיט סוואנות | ||||||||||
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:עיט סוואנות גודלו בינוני, מגוון מאוד בצבעיו, החל בגוון שחום כהה מאד . וכלה בחום בהיר כמעט לבן . לעולם אינו בגוון החלודה belisarius תת המין , הבוגרים כהים וניכרים בכנפיהן הרחבות והמעוגלות . זנבם מעוגל ולעיתים קרובות כתם חום צהבהב על עורפם . נחיריהם אליפסיים ולא מעוגלים. המתבגרים בהירים יותר מהבוגרים . בזמן מעופו מתגלים שני פסי כנף בהירים . בית גידולו מישורים, סוונות גם ללא עצים . בארץ עוברך אורח נדיר ובאקראי ... נתיב לא ידעו עיט ... איוב כח' 7 | ||||||||||
Subspecies and Distribution.
A. r. rapax Kenya and Zaire to South Africa and to Angola and Namibia. A. r. vindhiana Pakistan, India and S Nepal. A. r. belisarius Morocco , Algeria and Arabia. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם | ||||||||||
Descriptive notes.
64-75 cm,1700-3050 g wingspan 180 cm. Similar to A. nipalensis but smaller, paler and with shallower gape. Individually variable in intensity of color and extent of markings. Iris yellow amber. Female larger and usually darker and more heavily marked than male. Juvenile more plainly colored, especially ventrally, and plumage fades to blond, often rather redder. Races differ on size, and also on markings and extent of rufous coloration, but considerable individual variation and extensive overlap. Race vinduiana smaller, generally tends to be darker and has brown iris. Race belisarius shares most plumage types with nominate race but tends not to appear so scruffy. Habitat. Open woodland, savanna and arid steppe. Only absent from forest and true desert. Food and Feeding. Depending on availability of prey species. Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, small fish and carrion. Mainly hunts in open areas, by diving down from a perch or stoops while soaring high overhead, and collecting food by walking on ground. Breeding Laying in dry season in Africa. Nov-Mar in India. Large platform of sticks lined with grass and leaves, on the crown of a thorny tree (the only African eagle to do so regularly). 2 eggs, incubation 39-44 dayes. Chicks have white down. Eldest chick frequently kills younger sibling. Movements. Resident in most areas but perhaps some seasonal movement into more arid areas in SW and NE Africa during the rainy season. Rare vagrant to Bangladesh, Thailand and Sri Lanka. Status and Conservation. Not globally threatened. Common in many areas. Israel. In Israel the subspecies A. r. belisarius. Straggler, one observed and photographed on 1992 in N Negev. |
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