י130) עיט זהוב | ||||||||||
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:עיט זהוב צבעו חום בולט. לצעירים בסיס הזנב לבן ובזמן מעופו . מתגלה כתם לבן בקצה כנפו . זנבו רבוע ולא יתדי כשל העיטם לבן הזנב . רגליו מכוסות נוצות עד לכף רגלו דואה במשך שעות ארוכות כשאברות כנפיו פרושות . ומתעגלות כלפי מעלה . בית גידולו אזורים הרריים חסרי עצים, ערבות ומדבריות . בארץ יציב די נדיר בעיקר במרכז ובדרום ... נתיב לא ידעו עיט ... איוב כח' 7 | ||||||||||
Subspecies and Distribution.
A. c. homeyeri Iberian Peninsula, NW Africa and Mediterranian IS. through Egypt, Asia Minor and Arabia to Caucasus and Iran. A. c. chrysaetos NW and C Europe to W and C Siberia. A. c. daphanea Turkestan to Manchuria and to Pakistsn, Himalayas and SW China. A. c. japonica Korea and Japan. A. c. kantschatica W and C Siberia to Kamchatka. A. c. canadensis North America, from Alaska to Mexico and to Labrador. םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם | ||||||||||
Descriptive notes.
5-90 cm,2800-6600 g wingspan 190-230 cm. Overall dark brown, but crown, nape, and median upperwin coverts normally pale yellowish tawny, Female larger. Juvenil darker brown, with characteristic white bases to flight-fethers, tail basally white, with dark terminal band. Races vary slightly in size and coloration, particularly in darknees of plumage and extent and shade of pale areas. Habitat. Mountains, deserted terrain, plateaus and steppe, locally marshy areas, low or sparse vegetation to wooded areas. From desert areas to edge of tundra and from sea-level up high into mountains. Nest from near sea-level. For nesting requires remote, peaceful sites, rock faces, large trees. Perches on vantage points on rocks or trees. Food and Feeding. Medium sized mammals, the main prey are rodents: rabbits and hares. Birds taken in small proportions, particularly gamebirds including large grouse. Much less frequently reptiles and also carrion, especially in winter. Prey caught mainly on ground by low hunting flight. Sometimes pairs hunt together. In some areas captures tortoises, dropping them onto rocks to break shells. Breeding Starts Feb in Europe and North America, May in more N regions. Nest on ledges of cliffs and crags, or in trees. Eyries traditional, normally several per pair,which are used alternately. Large nest of sticks and branches lined with greenery, 2 m wide and deep. 2 eggs, incubation 44 days, almost exclusively by female. Chicks have first and second downs white or whitish. Younger chick often dies due to older sibling's attacks. birds live up to 40 years in wild, and up to 50 years in captivity. Movements. Mostly sedentary. Mainly migratory in northernmost of range, both in North America and in Asia. In North America, migrant leave breeding grounds from Sep, most winter in USA and S Mexico, return starts Feb. Sedentary adult pairs normally stay in approximately same home range throughout year. Juveniles markedly more dispersive and travel further. Status and Conservation. Not globally threatened. Heavily persecuted in past, with declines in range and numbers in Europe and much of North America. Israel. In Israel the subspecies A. c. homeyeri. Quite rare resident breeder in mountains, especially in centre and south. |
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