י133) עיט גמדי
Booted Eagle
Booted Eagle
Booted Eagle

Hieraaetus pennatus
Hieraaetus pennatus
Hieraaetus pennatus

:עיט גמד
גודלו כעקב. צבעו כעין החלודה וגחונו לבן
. בניגוד לקצוות ושולי כנפיו הכהים
. המופע הכהה בצבע חום חזק, וזנבו בהיר
. לשני המופעים נוצות המכסות את הרגל עד שורש הכף
. מעופו קליל יותר מאשר עקב חורף
. בית גידולו יערות הרריים, בחורף ניתן לראותו גם בנופים גלויים
. בארץ עובר אורח מצוי וחורף נדיר
... נתיב לא ידעו עיט ... איוב כח' 7
Subspecies and Distribution.
Subspecies and Distribution.
Hieraaetus pennatus SW Europe and NW Africa throug C Europe, Asia Minor to Mongolia, Baikal area, N India to S Africa and Namibia. Winters, Africa S of Sahara and India.םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם םםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםםם
Descriptive notes.
54 cm, 970 g wingspan 110-130 cm.
Two distinct morphs, with several intermediate plumages, both have broad pale band across upperwing, and pale uppertail coverts.
More frequent pale morph shows whitish underparts and underwing coverts, contrasting markedly with flight-feathers, which are very dark, apart from paler, slightly translucent innermost primaries.
Dark morph rather similar to A. wahlbergi and Milvus migrans..
Juvenile also polymorphic, and very similar to adult, especially in dark morph.
Open areas, mixed with forests and woods, often in open woodland.Type of wood varies, incloding broad-leaved, and coniferous.
Flat land, low hills and mountain slopes.
Food and Feeding.
The main prey are small and medium sized birds, from small passerines to pigeons and corvids. Also mammals including mice, susliks, squirrels, pikas and rabbits, sometimes reptiles and insects.
Hunts in open or wooded areas, captures prey mainly on ground, stooping from air or after spotting prey from vantage perch. Sometimes pair may hunt together.
Apr-May in N of range region.
Nests in trees in woods, or sometimes solitary trees and on small trees on cliff faces.
Large nest of sticks and twigs, lined with green leaves, often reused.
2 eggs, incubation 37-41 days, mainly by female, but male brings all food during incubation and fledging period
Chicks have firs and scond down white, grey or brown.
Migratory, very scarce in winter in S Europe, N Africa and Middle East.
Resident in Pakistan and India and Balearic Is.
Bulk of W population winters in sub Saharan Africa, crossing via Gibraltar and Suez, wite E populations moving to Indian Subcontinent. Leaves Eurasian breeding grounds in Sep, and returns in Mar- Apr, S African population leaves in Mar and returns in Aug.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened. Ppopulation sizes not well knon, and only fairly approximate estimates available.Although apparently stable in general.
Israel. In Israel the subspecies Hieraaetus pennatus. Quite rare local resident and rare winter visitor.

Hieraaetus pennatus
(in Israel)

Hieraaetus pennatus

Hieraaetus pennatus

Hieraaetus pennatus