י149) שליו נודד

Common Quail
Common Quail
Common Quail

Coturnix coturnix
Coturnix coturnix
Coturnix coturnix

:שלו נודד
, לראשו פסים בצבע החול, על גרונו כתמים שחורים, צידי גופו מפוספסים
. מקורו אפור, רגליו ורודות ללא דרבן. לנקבות ולצעירים חזה מנוקד
. בית גידולו שדות פתוחים, ערבות עשב ואזורים מדבריים למחצה
. בסתיו ובאביב חולפים את הארץ להקות ענק בדרכם לאפריקה
. בארץ יציב מצוי. נס השלו התרחש פעמים לבני ישראל
. לעיתים מזונותיו מרעילים את בשרו ... הבשר עודנו בין שיניהם ...
. * ויך ה' בעם מכה רבה מאוד, ויקרא שם המקום ההוא קברות התאוה ...במדבר י"א 33-4
. תופעה הידועה ברפואה המודרנית, coturnism התופעה מתרחשת רק בנדידת האביב ,שם הרעל כשם השלו *
Subspecies and Distribution.
C. c. coturnix British Is. and N W Africa through Israel to Russia and India.
C. c. confisa Canary, Mdeira and Azores Is.
C. c. inopinata Cape Verde Is.
C. c. africana sub Saharan Africa from Ethiopia, Uganda to Angola and S. Africa, Madagascar and Comoros Is.
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Descriptive notes.
18 cm, 70-155 g wingspan 30-35 cm.
Indistinguishable in the wild from C. japonica, except on call.
In hand, differs by having wing over 10 cm long, and less rufous below, from other Coturnix separated by having outer webs of primaries barred with buff.
Immature resembles female, but has barred flands and no lines on lower cheeks.
Races vary slightly in size and color, Palearctic birds larger, paler and greyer, African birds generally smaller, darker and more rufous.
Open habitats, including cultivation, in level or gently rolling land. Prefers dense herbage less than 1 m tall. Avoids bare soils.
Food and Feeding.
Diet seeds of grasses, weeds and grain, with well over 100 plant species recorded.
Also takes invertebrates from ground, worms, spiders, beetles and bugs.
May-Aug in N Europe, Mar-Jun in S Europe, any month in E Africa, Sep-Mar in S Africa.
Both monogamy and promiscuity reported.
Nests is scrape with grass added, constructed by female, sited in herbaceous and grassy cover.
5-7 eggs in Africa, 8-13 eggs in Europe. Incubation 18-20 days, by female. Downy chicks have long blackish stripes on rufous brown upperparts, buffy underparts. Young independent after 50-70 days.
W Palearctic breeding birds believed to winter S of Sahara, but some winter as far N as British Is and Germany, and with some regularity around Mediterranean, birds of these populations do not seem to cross over equatorial forest
Birds that winter in C and S India believed to migrate through Pakistan, before dispersing throughout Indian Subcontinent.
Status and Conservation.
Not globally threatened.
Israel. In Israel subspecies C. c. coturnix. Common passage migrant and uncommon winter visitor, also scarce summer visitor and rare breeder.

C. c. coturnix
(in Israel)

C. c. coturnix

C. c. coturnix

C. c. africana